You are looking for a new or used car but are worried whether you’ll get accepted for bad credit car finance. Like many people, you might think that a bad credit reference is almost certain to lead to any application for new credit to be rejected.
5 Ways To Learn About Credit
Credit plays a very important part in the modern financial spectrum that we all deal with on a daily basis. Credit drives what we can buy and when we can buy it, and can also play a part in where we get to live, what we do for a living, and even our anxiety levels. So it’s no surprise when you start thinking more about what credit is and what it means.
Different Services Offered By Accounting Firms
In any business, it is the accounting department’s job to monitor how much money goes in and how much money goes out. If there is no proper accounting system, then it will be difficult to track the cash flow of a business– a problem that will eventually lead to or worse, bankruptcy. It is for this reason that most companies opt to acquire the services of accounting firms. [Read more…]
Keep Calm! It’s only Brexit
Since the historic Brexit vote there’s been gloom in the markets about the economy even though it will take two and a half years from the vote result to see any real change. 17.4 million British voters backed Brexit and the following morning the pound plummeted to its lowest level since 1985. The FTSE 100 index also fell by over 8% when trading began. This is its biggest slump since 2008 although it was recovering slightly by mid-morning. Britain has been left in political turmoil too and many people began to lose faith as British politics turned into something of a pantomime after the vote. But now Theresa May has taken charge, things should start to settle down and decisions can begin to be made. [Read more…]
The Best Ways to Deal with Bad Credit
Dealing with bad credit can be a living nightmare. If you always feel short of money and constantly worry about your bank balance sliding into the red, then you need to stop and take stock. Dealing with debt can be difficult but, if you pledge to get your finances in order in the early stages of debt, you can clear it relatively quickly and ensure your credit rating is almost entirely unscathed. Here are the best ways to deal with bad credit. [Read more…]
What You Need To Know About Credit Scores
Do you know your credit score? Despite the fact that it’s one of the most important factors determining whether you’re able to borrow money in order to buy a car, take out a mortgage or even get a mobile phone contract, statistically speaking there’s a good chance that you don’t. [Read more…]
The Lifetime ISA explained
The new Lifetime ISA (nicknamed LISA) launches in April 2017 – so what is it and could it be suitable for you? Here we take a brief look …
What it is LISA (the Lifetime ISA)?
This is a different type of Individual Savings Account (ISA) that is designed to help young savers with buying their first home as well as building up a pension pot. You must be over 18 but under 40 to qualify for this ISA so if you’re older than this then you might want to get pension advice from Joslin Rhodes to see what other options there are for you. [Read more…]