When people hear “driving tech” often they think of expense, however the opposite can be true as there are some extraordinary and unique gadgets in the market that can actually save us money. Technology is constantly been updated to improve our driving experience and everyday life. Most people aren’t aware of the money saving benefits of everyday driving technology and so don’t invest into buying them. Below are just a few examples of technology that can save you money.
Sensors and Cameras
Parking Sensors and Cameras: One of the most common accidents that occur is accidentally backing into unseen objects. These little accidents can be expensive, especially if the thing you backed into was another car. However don’t despair there are several useful gadgets that come standard with many modern cars that solve this problem. There are two types of devices; cameras which show you a view behind your car and sensors that beep faster the closer you are to hitting something. Both do the same job and can save you from costly accidents.
Automatic Breaks: Another great feature of some modern cars, that can save you not only money but potentially save you from personal injury are automatic breaks. Automatic breaks work differently depending on the car but usually there is a sensor at the front that predicts impact and turns on the breaks accordingly. At the moment this is only a fledgling technology but it won’t be long until it is the standard in safety.
Vehicle Tracking and GPS
A great new feature that is become increasingly popular with younger drivers is having Vehicle tracking technology installed. Vehicle tracking can help save you money in three distinct ways.
Insurance Saving: Many insurers now offer vehicle tracking service as a way to monitor your driving and reduce your premium. By tracking your driving habits many drivers are able to reduce their insurance costs as they are proving they are safe drivers. Using Vehicle tracking you are also able to state the hours you wish to be allowed to drive and other features which can further lower your insurance premium.
Stolen Vehicle Tracking: The ability to track your vehicle also means that it is far more likely to be recovered if stolen. As a side bonus to being able to get your car back, having a tracker can also reduce your insurance premium as you are seen to be taking methods to help prevent theft.
Speed Awareness: The final and probably the greatest way sat navs can save you money is through speed awareness. There are two ways in which a sat nav can do this: Firstly satnavs warn you about fixed speed camera locations and limits allowing you to make sure you aren’t speeding in unfamiliar locations. Secondly sat navs can also monitor your speed warn you if you are going over the local limits. It can be very easy getting caught out slightly speeding in unfamiliar locations or when driving on unclearly marked roads. Getting caught speeding can result in a hefty fines and worse points on your licence which could potentially lead to a driving ban.
This was a guest post by Sam Fisher on behalf of Teletrac Inc. Specialists in gps tracking and feet management solutions.