Driving economically not only saves you money but also saves the planet. It’s an easy way of doing your bit for the environment. The best way you can save fuel is by buying an economical car. However, whatever car you have, you can go greener just by changing the way you approach minor motoring habits. Here are some small tricks and tips that car dealership Carspring shared with me. It’s time to get on the right road towards a more economical and ecological lifestyle.
1. Empty Your Boot
Despite bins, some people prefer to put their rubbish in their boot.
If your car was a human, it’d be timidly staring at the scales. It’s time to trim down. We all hoard unnecessary junk in our boot. But, what you may not realise, is how much it’s costing you in. Classic boot detritus includes sports equipment, old walking boots, and tools. Many people also consider it a good place to store rubbish. Whatever you’re keeping in your boot, your laziness in leaving it there is costing you cash, so take it out. There are other ways you can save weight, such as keeping the optimum amount of fuel in your car at any given time or replacing your spare wheel with an emergency foam kit.
2. Look After Your Engine
Look after your engine and economical driving will look after itself Source: Tenen-Gas
Your car’s engine is a complex, living machine. Look after its health. To keep it running at its best, you’ve got to keep it in proper working order. Regular servicing provided by a Car repair lakewood firm or a company of similar ilk elsewhere can help in achieving this goal.
Also, keep in mind that your engine runs more efficiently when it’s properly lubricated, so keep it topped up with oil. If you have a diesel car, you can also opt for diesel performance upgrades, which can help in making the engine more eco-friendly.
This is particularly true if you own a Ram (vehicles by Stellantis N.V. Ram) with a 3.0 EcoDiesel engine. Quite a few performance upgrades are available for this engine, including optimization of the air intake system and enhancement of the exhaust systems. You can click here to learn about them in detail.
3. Reduce Drag
Are you driving around with the roof box on the top of your car? This is creating drag and costing you money and it’s not the only bad habit. Also, keeping your windows open when you’re driving, especially at high speeds, increases fuel consumption. During the development process, all cars go through a wind tunnel to maximise their streamlined nature. Items that you add, such as bike racks, roof racks, or pound shop England flags, will impact on the meticulous scientific approach that the car manufacturers take towards designing a vehicle. Wearing your country’s shirt to show your support is the obvious, economical alternative to tacky flags.
4. Keep Your Tyres Pumped Up
Keep your tyres pumped up to the recommended PSI
When your tyres aren’t at the recommended pressure, the rolling resistance increases the surface area of the tyre on the road, which in turn makes your car less efficient. Make sure that your tyres are at the PSI stated in your owner’s manual. It’s standard practice to check your tyre pressure before any long journey, however, taking more frequent trips to the air pumps when you go to fill up will make any journey more comfortable, and your car more economical.
5. Drive Smoothly
Economical driving means smooth driving
This one is a win-win. Keep it nice and smooth. Driving smoothly not only means that both you and your passengers will enjoy a more comfortable ride, it means you’re driving more economically. This means not putting your foot to floor. It’s all about slower, smoother acceleration. Gently apply pressure, gradually building up speed while accelerating and gradually easy off when slowing down. If you’re stuck in a jam, keeping your car rolling along, instead of bringing it to a complete halt as this is also much more economical than stopping and starting.
6. Stick to the Speed Limit
Stick to speed limit, save money
You may think it doesn’t take a genius to work this one out. The faster you drive, the more fuel you’re going to burn. However, it isn’t quite as simple as that. It’s got a lot more to do with how aggressively you drive. The more you put your foot to the floor, the more you burn fuel. A good rule of thumb for driving economically, and to drive legally and safely, is to stick to the speed limit. Driving too fast means you’re going to have to slow down and speed up a lot more. This is significantly less economical than simply staying at a steady speed.
7. Turn Off Unnecessary Electrics
Think. Do I need to use this all the time…
Are you the kind of person that has the heated seats on in summer just because you want to get your money’s worth? Or the air-con on in winter because you like your car to be at exactly 15 degrees the whole year round? Using unnecessary electricity burns unnecessary fuel and costs you unnecessary cash. Modern cars are teeming with gadgets these days and you can often forget that they’re turned on. But, in the same way you’ve become more energy efficient in your house (by turning your TV off stand-by etc), you should also bring this more economical, ecological approach to you automotive environment.
8. Make a Game of Lowering Your MPG
Play the MPG game
You can train yourself to drive “eco-economically”, without even knowing it. Most modern cars are fitted with MPG meters, which means you can constantly keep an eye on how efficient your driving performance is. Make sure you know what the manufacturer of your car states as the combined MPG capabilities of your car. Although these are usually erm, ‘optimistic’, they can still give you an ambitious target to try and reach. Make a game out of it. It can be quite addictive and instantly makes you a more economical driver.
9. Use Your Brakes As Little As Possible
You can get away with using your brakes less, if not completely[/caption]
Braking wastes energy. So, unless you’re driving around in either a hybrid or a Formula 1 car that have kinetic energy recovery devices fitted, you should avoid it whenever you can. If you’re driving on the motorway it should be reasonably easy to avoid using the brakes by keeping your eye on the road. When you’re driving in the city, where there are frequent stops, trusting yourself to judge how long it will take for the car to come to a complete stop is much more economical than slamming on the brakes at the last minute.
10. Don’t Keep The Engine On
Be economical with your use of the engine
Be economical with your use of the engine. If you don’t need it on, turn it off. When you’re stuck in a static jam or waiting at a level crossing, it’s more efficient to turn off the engine rather than idle. This simple action saves fuel and reduces unnecessary wear on your engine.
In addition to mindful engine use, regular maintenance is crucial. Regular engine maintenance includes tasks such as oil changes, filter replacements, and inspections of key components like the timing belt and spark plugs.
Keep in mind that routine servicing by qualified technicians at Maryland Auto Repair Shops or similar facilities elsewhere can help keep your engine running efficiently, prevent potential issues, and extend the lifespan of your vehicle.
By combining mindful engine use with regular professional maintenance, you can maximize your vehicle’s efficiency, save on fuel costs, and ensure your car remains reliable and safe on the road.
11. Is There A More Economical Mode of Transport?
Ok, so they’re not usually this empty
If you live in a big city, you might want to consider if driving your car is the most economical option. You may be better off taking the bus, tram or train. Sitting in traffic jams costs you more than you might think.