If you have recently lost somebody, you may be feeling overwhelmed by dealing with the deceased’s affairs if you have been named the ‘personal representative’ by them. Being given this responsibility carries pressure that you may not want to have to think about, as well as legal duties that you must fulfil regardless of the grief you are suffering. Finding probate solicitors Portsmouth who can help you to navigate this process is advisable to ensure that everything is dealt with properly and that your loved one’s final wishes are met. In finding the right solicitors, they will be able to take the strain off your shoulders and ensure that the legal processes are carried out in accordance with the law.
What do I have to do?
When a person has passed away, all of their assets are frozen, and it becomes the personal representative’s responsibility to ensure that any debts are cleared and that any will left behind is followed. Depending on the value of the estate, it may be necessary to apply for a grant, which serves as a deed to demonstrate your acceptance of the role. With a valid will in place, you can then proceed to administer the estate.
During the probate process in Florida or elsewhere, you may also have the opportunity to contest the will or raise objections if you believe there are legal grounds to do so, such as disputes over the validity of the will’s contents or concerns about the personal representative’s handling of the estate.
However, if there isn’t a will or you are unable to undertake the role of personal representative, an administrator will be required to apply for a ‘grant of letters of administration’ to gain the power necessary to unfreeze the assets. This administrator is often a close relation of the deceased.
Do I really need a solicitor to help me?
Having an experienced solicitor to help you through dealing with probate is definitely a beneficial move. They will be able to ensure that all of the processes are carried out correctly. From the outset, they will be able to assess whether or not you need to apply for a grant. They will also be able to gather the evidence required to assess the assets in the estate. In doing so, they will draft legal documents, settle outstanding debts and ascertain if there are tax issues to be sorted. They will also ensure that the terms of the will are carried out or intestacy rules are followed. Intestacy rules are followed when a will has not been left by the deceased. A solicitor will be able to explain what to do in this situation and any others, ensuring that you do not have to struggle through the legal process at all.
How do I choose the right solicitor?
There are a number of things that you can do to find a solicitor who deals with probate. Check out solicitors’ websites to see what they offer. You may find these by using a search engine, but if you can also get personal recommendations from friends or family, this may also help. On the website, you may also wish to research how long the firm has been established and whether or not they have opening hours to suit your needs. It may also be beneficial to consider where they are based, if you think you may be required to go to their offices.
It is never easy to lose someone, but you can make your life easier by finding a knowledgeable solicitor to help you through these tough times.